Items where Author is "Grout, Vic"

Sangodoyin, Abimbola O., Akinsolu, Mobayode O., Pillai, Prachant and Grout, Vic (2021) Detection and Classification of DDoS Flooding Attacks on Software-Defined Networks: A Case Study for the Application of Machine Learning. IEEE Access, 9. pp. 122495-122508. ISSN 2169-3536
Alam Siddiquee, Kazy Noor E, Islam, Md. Shabiul, Dowla, Mohammad Yasin Ud, Rezaul, Karim Mohammed and Grout, Vic (2020) Detection, Quantification and Classification of Ripened Tomatoes: A Comparative Analysis of Image Processing and Machine Learning. IET Image Processing. ISSN 1751-9667 (In Press)
Grout, Vic, Akinsolu, Mobayode O., Liu, Bo, Lazaridis, Pavlos, Mistry, Keyur K. and Zaharis, Zaharias D. (2019) Software Solutions for Antenna Design Exploration: A Comparison of Packages, Tools, Techniques, and Algorithms for Various Design Challenges. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 61 (3). pp. 48-59. ISSN 1045-9243
Akinsolu, Mobayode O., Liu, Bo, Grout, Vic, Lazaridis, P.I, Mognaschi, Maria Evelina and Di Barba, Paolo (2019) A Parallel Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Electromagnetic Design Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 3 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2471-285X
Grout, Vic (2019) No More Privacy Any More? Information, 10 (1). ISSN 2078-2489
Grout, Vic (2018) The Singularity Isn’t Simple! (However We Look at It) A Random Walk between Science Fiction and Science Fact. Information, 9 (4). ISSN 2078-2489
Liu, Bo, Grout, Vic and Nikolaeva, A (2017) Efficient Global Optimization of Actuator Based on A Surrogate Model Assisted Hybrid Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65 (7). pp. 5712-5721. ISSN 0278-0046
Grout, Vic (2017) A Simple Approach to Dynamic Optimisation of Flexible Optical Networks with Practical Application. Future Internet, 9 (2). p. 18. ISSN 1999-5903
Liu, Bo, Arabi, Omer, Ali, Nazar, Grout, Vic, Akinsolu, Mobayode O. and Irvine, Alexander (2017) GUI Design Exploration Software for Microwave Antennas. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 4 (4). pp. 274-281. ISSN 2288-4300
Liu, Bo, Arabi, Omer, Ali, Nazar, Grout, Vic, Akinsolu, Mobayode O. and Irvine, Alexander (2017) GUI Design Exploration Software for Microwave Antennas. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 4 (4). pp. 274-281. ISSN 2288-4300
Grout, Vic and Houlden, Nigel (2014) Taking computer science and programming into schools: The Glyndŵr/BCS Turing project. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 141. pp. 680-685. ISSN 1877-0428
Kreider, M, Baer, R, Beck, D, Tepestra, W, Davies, John N, Grout, Vic, Lewis, J, Serrano, J and Wlostowski, T (2012) Open borders for system-on-a-chip buses: A wire format for connecting large physics controls. American Physical Review, Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams, 15 (8). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1098-4402
Davies, John N, Comerford, Paul and Grout, Vic (2012) Principles of Eliminating Access Control Lists within a Domain. Future Internet, 4 (2). pp. 413-429. ISSN 1999-5903
Picking, Rich, Robinet, A, McGinn, John, Grout, Vic, Casas, R and Blasco, R (2012) The Easyline+ Project: Evaluation of a User Interface Developed to Enhance Independent Living of Elderly and Disabled people.
Tu, W, Grout, Vic and Excell, Peter S (2011) Performance Evaluation of The Split Transmission in Multihop Wireless Networks.
Dorrell, D, Hsieh, M, Popescu, M, Evans, L, Stanton, L and Grout, Vic (2010) A Review of the Design Issues and Techniques for Radial-Flux Brushless Surface and Internal Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors.
Picking, Rich, Grout, Vic, McGinn, John, Crisp, Jodie and Grout, Helen (2010) Simplicity, consistency, universality, flexibility and familiarity: the SCUFF principles for developing user interfaces for ambient computer systems.
Picking, Rich, Robinet, Alexia, Grout, Vic, McGinn, John, Roy, Armando, Ellis, Simon and Oram, Denise (2009) A case study using a methodological approach to developing user interfaces for elderly and disabled people.
Tu, Wanqing and Grout, Vic (2009) Performance Evaluation of The Split Transmission in Multihop Wireless Networks.
Casas, Roberto, Blasco Marin, R, Robinet, Alexia, Roy Delgado, Armanda, Roy Yarza, Armanda, McGinn, John, Picking, Rich and Grout, Vic (2008) User Modelling in Ambient Intelligence for Elderly and Disabled People.
Grout, Vic, Cunningham, Stuart and Picking, Rich (2007) Practical Large-Scale Network Design with Variable Costs for Links and Switches.
Grout, Vic, Davies, John N and McGinn, John (2007) An argument for simple embedded ACL optimisation.
Grout, Vic, Davies, John and McGinn, John (2006) Real-time optimisation of access control lists for efficient internet packet filtering.
Mulawa, Max, Picking, Rich and Grout, Vic (2006) Defining Development Standards for Reusable User Interface Components.
Grout, Vic (2005) Principles of Cost Minimisation in Wireless Networks.
Book Section
Cunningham, Stuart, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2010) Emotion, Content & Context in Sound and Music. In: UNSPECIFIED Glyndŵr University Research Online.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2009) An Approach for Characterising Heavy-Tailed Internet Traffic Based on EDF Statistics. In: UNSPECIFIED Glyndŵr University Research Online.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) A Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Tail Index of Heavy-tailed Internet Traffic. In: UNSPECIFIED Glyndŵr University Research Online.
Bruckbauer, Alexander and Grout, Vic (2020) Artificial intelligence and machine learning for efficient minefield clearance. [Report]
Conference or Workshop Item
Davies, Lee, Vagapov, Yuriy, Grout, Vic, Cunningham, Stuart and Anuchin, Alecksey (2021) Review of air traffic management systems for UAV integration into urban airspace. In: 28th International Workshop on Electric Drives, 27-29 January 2021, Moscow, Russia.
Derzhavin, O, Zhelbakov, I, Sidorova, E and Grout, Vic (2017) On the Question of Decomposition of Multi-Timescale Systems Dynamic Model. In: 7th IEEE Int. Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications ITA-17, Wrexham, UK, 12-15 September 2017, Wrexham, UK.
Proletarsky, A.V., Neusypin, K.A., Shen, K, Selezneva, M.S. and Grout, Vic (2017) Proletarsky, A.V., Konstantin, A., Neusypin, K.S., Selezneva, M.S., and Grout, V. (2017) 'Development and Analysis of the Numerical Criterion for the Degree of Observability of State Variables in Nonlinear Systems'. In: Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications ITA-17, Wrexham, UK, 12-15 September 2017, pp. 150-154. doi: 10.1109/ITECHA.2017.8101927. In: 7th IEEE Int. Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications ITA-17, Wrexham, UK, 12-15 September 2017, Wrexham, UK.
Liu, Bo, Sun, Nan and Grout, Vic (2016) A Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Design Optimization Problems with Discrete Variables. In: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation), 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Liu, Bo, Sun, Nan and Grout, Vic (2016) A Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Design Optimization Problems with Discrete Variables. In: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation), 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Liu, Bo, Chen, Q, Zhang, Q, Gielen, G and Grout, Vic (2014) Behavioral study of the surrogate model-aware evolutionary search framework. In: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 6-11 July 2014, Beijing.
Wu, M, Karkar, A, Liu, Bo, Yakolev, A, Gielen, G and Grout, Vic (2014) Network on Chip Optimization Based on Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithms. In: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 6-11 July 2014, Beijing.
Ehmann, E, Houlden, Nigel and Grout, Vic (2012) Using complex adaptive systems and technology to analyse the strength of processes and cultural indicators: a method to improve sustained competitive advantage. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ries, Christian Benjamin, Schröder, Christian and Grout, Vic (2011) Approach of a UML Profile for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC). In: UNSPECIFIED.
Bashar, Mohammad Rabiul, Razael, Karim Mohammed and Grout, Vic (2011) E-Government vs. Ordinary Bureaucratic Government: A Comparative Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Davies, John N, Comerford, Paul and Grout, Vic (2011) Optimization of delays experienced by packets due to ACLs within a domain. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sturrock, Ian, Grout, Vic, Picking, Rich, Gossman, Peter and MacCallum-Stewart, Esther (2011) Psychology of Game Design: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Davies, John N, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2010) Improving the Performance of IP Filtering using a Hybrid Approach to ACLs. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Grout, Vic and Houlden, Nigel (2010) Some Notes and Results on Bandwidth-based Routing and Implicit Load Balancing. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Roy Delgardo, Armando, Blasco, Ruben, Marco, Alvaro, Cirujano, Diego, Casas, Roberto, Roy Yarza, Armando, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2010) Agent-based AmI System Case Study: The Easy Line + Project. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Grout, Vic and Davies, John N (2010) A Simplified Method for Optimising Sequentially Processed Access Control Lists. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Evans, Lyndon, Grout, Vic, Staton, Dave and hawkins, Dougie (2009) Integration Methodologies for Disparate Software Packages with an Emphasis on Usability. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ogunjemilua, Kemisola, Davies, John N, Picking, Rich and Grout, Vic (2009) An Investigation into Signal Strength of 802.11n WLAN. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Asraf, Muhammad T, Davies, John N and Grout, Vic (2009) An Investigation into the Effect of Security on Performance in a VoIP Network. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Chen, Qinyin, Davies, John N, Grout, Vic and Cunningham, Stuart (2009) Key Issues that apply to Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) Technology from a Study of the Chinese Campuses and UK Equivalent. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Liao, Ruizhi, Tu, Wanqing, Excell, Peter S and Grout, Vic (2009) QoS Analysis Models for Wireless Networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Picking, Rich, Grout, Vic, Crisp, Jodi and Grout, Helen (2009) Simplicity, consistency, universality and familiarity: applying ‘SCUF’ principles to technology for assisted living. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Cunningham, Stuart and Grout, Vic (2009) Audio Compression Exploiting Repetition (ACER): Challenges and Solutions. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Houlden, Nigel, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2008) The Evolution of Internet Routing Metrics and Cost Calculations. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Robinet, Alexia, Picking, Rich and Grout, Vic (2008) A Framework for Improving User Experience in Ambient Assisted Living. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Buckley, Clare, Picking, Rich and Grout, Vic (2008) Internet Plagiarism: A Survey and Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Cunningham, Stuart and Grout, Vic (2008) Peace Driving: Case Studies of Wi-Fi Usage. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Morgan, Mike J and Grout, Vic (2008) Finding Optimal Solutions to Backbone Minimisation Problems using Mixed Integer Programming. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Grout, Vic, Cunningham, Stuart and Hebblewhite, Richard (2008) An Illustrative Discussion of Different Perspectives in Network Engineering. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Davies, John N, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2008) Prediction of Wireless Network Signal Strength within a Building. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Roy Delgado, Armanda, Robinet, Alexia, Grout, Vic, Picking, Rich and McGinn, John (2008) A Survey of Applying Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks to Enhance Context-Awareness in Environmental Management Systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Grout, Vic, Davies, John N and McGinn, John (2008) Traffic Modelling and Simulation Techniques for Evaluating ACL Implementation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Roy Delgado, Armando, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2008) A Backup Gateway to Access a Service-oriented Heterogeneous Home Network. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) Identifying Long-range Dependent Network Traffic through Autocorrelation Functions. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) An Overview of Long-range Dependent Network Traffic Engineering and Analysis: Characteristics, Simulation, Modelling and Control. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) Towards Finding Efficient Tools for Measuring the Tail Index and Intensity of Long-range Dependent Network Traffic. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Razaul, Karim Mohammed and Grout, Vic (2007) BPTraSha: A Novel Algorithm for Shaping Bursty Nature of Internet Traffic. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Delgado, Armando Roy, Robinet, Alexia, McGinn, John, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2007) Assistive Human-Machine Interfaces for Smart Homes. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Morgan, Mike and Grout, Vic (2007) Metaheuristics for Wireless Network Optimisation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Cunningham, Stuart and Grout, Vic (2007) A Study of the Geographic Spread and Security of Wireless Access Points. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) CoLoRaDe: A Novel Algorithm for Controlling Long-Range Dependent Network Traffic. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Razaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) Robustness of HEAF(2) for Estimating the Intensity of Long-Range Dependent Network Traffic. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Roberts, Nathan J, Grout, Vic and Worden, John (2007) Adaptable and Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments Supporting Soft Skills. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Cunningham, Stuart and Grout, Vic (2007) Advances in Similarity-Based Audio Compression. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) Managing the Bursty Nature of Packet Traffic using the BPTraSha Algorithm. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohammed Rezaul, Karim and Grout, Vic (2007) A Survey of Performance Evaluation and Control for Self-Similar Network Traffic. In: UNSPECIFIED.
McGinn, John, Picking, Rich, Picking, Liz and Grout, Vic (2007) The Use of Interactive Visual Metaphors to Enhance Group Discussions using Mobile Devices. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Morgan, Mike and Grout, Vic (2007) Virtual Backbone Configuration in Wireless Mesh Networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Cunningham, Stuart and Grout, Vic (2006) Complexity Issues in Control Software Design: A practical perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Grout, Vic, McGinn, John, Davies, John N, Picking, Rich and Cunningham, Stuart (2006) Rule Dependencies in Access Control Lists. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Houlden, Nigel, Grout, Vic, McGinn, John and Davies, John N (2006) Extended end-to-end cost metrics for improved dynamic route calculation. In: 6th International Network Conference, 11-14 July 2006, University of Plymouth.
Morgan, Mike J and Grout, Vic (2006) Optimisation Techniques for Wireless Networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2006) Realistic Large-Scale Network Optimisation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Delgado, Armando Roy, Picking, Rich and Grout, Vic (2006) Remote-Controlled Home Automation Systems with Different Network Technologies. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Morgan, Mike J and Grout, Vic (2006) Spanning Tree Objective Functions and Algorithms for Wireless Networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.