Choking on the Splinters: Art, The Body, and Processes of Adaptation in the Work of Tom de Freston

Kenyon-Owen, Stephen C (2020) Choking on the Splinters: Art, The Body, and Processes of Adaptation in the Work of Tom de Freston. Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, 60 (2). pp. 151-174. ISSN 03067661

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To see the text in motion, as fluid or emergent, from rough-hewn to fully formed, is a process that we as readers or viewers are rarely privy to. The glimpse into those moments of change can be a privilege allowing greater understanding, or curse, demystifying the artefact and its creation. This paper looks to the work of artist Tom de Freston, in particular his method of using the body as a malleable material reshaped with clay, objects, and scattered ephemera. Here, identity is eclipsed and rewritten, becoming an adaptive prototype. This (textual) body, is then captured in its transformative process by the photographic frame, to be further reworked in artistic renderings. de Freston creates a mode of adaptation which traverses text, physical performativity, photographic display, and the art form itself. These moments of display see the artist merge with the text - announcing a conjoined identity. It is the nature of this transformation that occupies my focus here.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Orphism, Airway obstruction, Painting, Narrative art, Charnel houses, Deafness, Electronic books, Canvas, Performance art, Written narratives
Divisions: Creative Arts
Depositing User: Hayley Dennis
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2020 12:07
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2020 12:32

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