24-month Review of the Introduction of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol in Wales

Livingston, Wulf, Madoc-Jones, Iolo, Holloway, Katy, Perkins, Andy, Buhociu, Marian and Murray, R (2023) 24-month Review of the Introduction of Minimum Pricing for Alcohol in Wales. [Report]

GURO_582_24-month-review-of-the-introduction-of-minimum-pricing-for-alcohol-in-wales.pdf - Published Version

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Introduction 1.1 In November 2018, Welsh Government issued a specification for an evaluation that would assess the process and impact of the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol (MPA) in Wales. 1.2 The contract was split into four ‘lots’: • Lot 1 – a Contribution Analysis; • Lot 2 – work with Retailers; • Lot 3 – qualitative work with services and service users; and • Lot 4 – an assessment of impact on the wider population of drinkers. 1.3 Three of the contracts (Lots 1, 3, and 4) were awarded to a consortium of researchers based at Glyndwr University Wrexham, Figure 8 Consultancy, and the University of South Wales 1. The Retailers contract was awarded to the National Centre for Social Research. This report pertains to the Contribution Analysis (Lot 1), which seeks to synthesise and comment on the early contribution the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol in Wales has made to alcohol related behavioural, consumption, and retail outcomes. 1.4 This report provides an analysis of the Welsh minimum pricing journey so far. It is a synthesis document that offers an overall evaluation of the implementation, early (24 month) impact and initial considerations of the introduction of MPA into Wales. In doing so this report has brought together a range of secondary and primary data material. This includes the interim reports from the other three lots as above, some additional new primary interview data and material from evaluations and reflections on the implementation of pricing policies in other jurisdictions, notably Scotland. In order to maintain a manageable volume and readability, it has deliberately 1 Lot 1 is led by Glyndwr University (Wrexham); Lot 3 is led by Figure 8 Consultancy Services Ltd (Dundee); and Lot 4 is led by The University of South Wales. 8 PUBLIC / CYHOEDDUS not (overly) repeated detail that is elsewhere, concentrating instead on the key learning whilst signposting to the existing evidence trail.

Item Type: Report
Divisions: Social and Life Sciences
Depositing User: Hayley Dennis
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2023 15:07
Last Modified: 03 Jul 2023 15:07
URI: https://wrexham.repository.guildhe.ac.uk/id/eprint/18035

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