The Evolution of Internet Routing Metrics and Cost Calculations

Houlden, Nigel, Grout, Vic and Picking, Rich (2008) The Evolution of Internet Routing Metrics and Cost Calculations. In: UNSPECIFIED.


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In this paper we examine how metrics impact route selection, looking at which metric(s) are selected and how these metrics are used to calculated cost. Examining multiple and dynamic metrics currently in use and looking toward a proposal of agent carrying dynamic metric information across an autonomous system.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Additional Information: This paper was presented at the Fourth Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-learning, Internet and Networking (SEIN 2008), 5-9 November 2008, which was held at Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK. It was published by the University of Plymouth, and the symposium proceedings are available at
Keywords: Routing protocols, routing agents, metrics, costs
Divisions: ?? GlyndwrUniversity ??
Depositing User: ULCC Admin
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2011 09:13
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2017 20:06

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