Agreed Syllabuses

Kay, William K (2011) Agreed Syllabuses. In: UNSPECIFIED Glyndŵr University Research Online.

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This chapter describes the historical process by which agreed syllabuses in religious education in England and Wales were set up and how these syllabuses have since functioned.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: This is a metadata record for a book chapter from Debates in Religious Education by L. Phillip published in July 2011 by Routledge. A link has been provided to the publisher website at where the book can be purchased.
Keywords: Syllabus, Wales, religious education
Divisions: ?? GlyndwrUniversity ??
Depositing User: ULCC Admin
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2012 00:13
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2017 20:07

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