Dissociation and religiosity: the role of religious experience

Lewis, Christopher A and Breslin, M J (2015) Dissociation and religiosity: the role of religious experience. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 17 (1). pp. 26-33. ISSN 1934-9637

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Dissociation can be conceptualized as a disruption in integrated processing of psychological information, due to alterations in consciousness. An emerging body of research has examined the relationship between dissociation and religiosity. Mixed findings suggest a weak positive association between these two constructs. The present aim was to investigate if dissociation predicted religious experience over and above a measure of religiosity. A sample of 371 Irish respondents completed the Measure of Prayer Type, the M Scale Short Version, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale. Binary logistic regression showed that religious experience was predicted by dissociation, controlling for frequency of prayer.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: dissociation, religiosity, prayer, religious experience
Divisions: Social and Life Sciences
Depositing User: Mr Stewart Milne
Date Deposited: 17 Apr 2015 08:48
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2017 14:58
URI: https://wrexham.repository.guildhe.ac.uk/id/eprint/8288

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